Xurya Receives US$ 21.5 Million Series A Funding from Investors Led by East Ventures and Saratoga

This series A funding round of IDR 308 billion was led by East Ventures (Growth fund) and PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk with participation from New Energy Nexus Indonesia and Schneider Electric.

Jakarta, 12 Januari 2022 – PT Xurya Daya Indonesia (Xurya), a renewable energy startup with a focus on Rooftop Solar Power Plant rental in Indonesia, announced series A funding of US$21.5 million or equivalent to Rp 308 billion. This series A funding round was led by a venture capital firm, East Ventures (Growth fund), and PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. (Saratoga) with the returning participation of existing investors Schneider Electric and New Energy Nexus Indonesia.

Xurya will allocate this series A funding to continue the construction of Rooftop Solar Power Plant which has tripled in 2021 and assists the company in achieving its long-term vision to become a leader in providing technology and solutions for clean and sustainable energy.

“We appreciate the support and trust given by investors, partners, and customers to help us accelerate the transition to new renewable energy in Indonesia since Xurya was founded 3 years ago,” said Eka Himawan, Managing Director of Xurya Daya Indonesia.

Eka added, in addition to continuing the construction of the Rooftop Solar Power Plant which has grown rapidly throughout 2021, we will also allocate this funding for the development of technology and human resources so that efforts to accelerate the clean energy transition can be realized immediately.

East Ventures and Saratoga, which led this funding round, have a broad portfolio of investments into early-stage and growth startups across a wide range of industries, including social and environmental industries. The participation of East Ventures, a venture capital firm that is sector-agnostic and a pioneer in venture capital in Indonesia which has supported more than 200 companies in Southeast Asia, strengthen its support for Xurya’s commitment to developing the renewable energy landscape and climate change issues in Indonesia.

Roderick Purwana, Managing Partner of East Ventures said, “East Ventures believes that investing in the right companies matters, not only in terms of profit, but also in regards to the social impact. As one of the pioneers of a venture capital firm adopting an ESG approach to investment, we are delighted to be able to support the Xurya team from the very beginning of their journey to create a clean and sustainable energy revolution in Indonesia and protect the earth, our biggest platform.” Meanwhile, PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. (Saratoga), who also led this funding round, is a leading active investment company with more than two decades of experience and expertise in investing in the Indonesian and Southeast Asian markets.

President Director of PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk., Michael Soeryadjaya said, “This investment is a good opportunity for Saratoga to strengthen support in the New & Renewable Energy (NRE) technology sector which is now one of the priority energies sources to be developed by the government.”

Rooftop Solar Power Plant (PLTS Atap) can provide solutions for the availability of clean, environmentally friendly, and sustainable energy in Indonesia. The very rapid growth of Rooftop Solar installed capacity in the last three years proves that the need for the NRE technology industry is increasing in Indonesia,” Michael added.

Rooftop Solar Power Plant is also one of the initiatives supported by President Joko Widodo to reduce dependence on the use of fossil fuel energy. By investing in Xurya, Saratoga can help accelerate the government’s efforts to achieve its target of the NRE mix to 23% by 2025 and 31% by 2050.

This funding is also supported by New Energy Nexus Indonesia which throughout 2021 has completed its investment in five renewable energy companies in Indonesia and Schneider Electric, as a leading in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, through Schneider Electric Energy Access Asia (SEEAA) making its first investment in renewable energy startups in Indonesia to Xurya.

By the end of 2021, Xurya has operated 57 Rooftop Solar Power Plants and is currently building in 38 other locations from various industries and businesses that are increasingly diverse, such as manufacturing companies (foods and beverages, consumer goods, agriculture, automotive, steel, building material, textile, etc.), cold storages, hotel, shopping center, spread across Jakarta, Banten, West Java, East Java, Central Java, Lampung, South and North Sumatera, and South Sulawesi.


About East Ventures:

East Ventures is a pioneering sector-agnostic venture capital firm in Indonesia. Founded in 2009, East Ventures has transformed into a holistic platform that provides multi-stage investment, including Seed and Growth for over 200 companies in Southeast Asia. An early believer in the startup ecosystem in Indonesia, East Ventures is the first investor of Indonesia’s unicorn companies, namely Tokopedia and Traveloka. Other notable companies in the portfolio include Ruangguru, Warung Pintar, Kudo (acquired by Grab), Loket (acquired by Gojek), Tech in Asia, Xendit, IDN Media, MokaPOS (acquired by Gojek), ShopBack, KoinWorks, Waresix, and Sociolla. East Ventures was named the most consistent top performing VC fund globally by Preqin, and the most active investor in SEA and Indonesia.

About PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk:

Founded in 1997, PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya, Tbk. (Saratoga, ticker code: SRTG) is a leading active investment company in Indonesia. Saratoga plays an active role in managing investee companies and exploring investment opportunities in Indonesia.

Saratoga focuses on investment opportunities in the early stages and growth, and in special situation with a focus on sectors that support economic growth in Indonesia such as consumers, infrastructure, and natural resources.

Saratoga’s vision is to continue to be a leading active investment company and become the partner of choice for local and foreign investors looking to participate in the dynamics of Indonesia’s economic growth.

For further information please visit: www.saratoga-investama.com

About Xurya Daya Indonesia:

PT Xurya Daya Indonesia (Xurya) is a renewable energy startup based in Indonesia with a vision to be a leader in technology and solutions for clean and sustainable energy. Xurya offers a NO INVESTMENT method with a rental system to make it easier for industry players to make the transition to solar energy by providing a “one-stop solution” starting from feasibility studies, installation, operation, and maintenance (including component replacement).

To date, Xurya has installed, operated, and maintained more than 50 PLTS Roofs from various industries, such as manufacturing (food and beverage, FMCG, building materials, steel, textiles, and garments), cold storage, logistics centers, hotels, and shopping centers. shopping in various cities in Indonesia, starting from Palembang, Lampung, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Cikarang, Purwakarta, Cirebon, Semarang, Tuban, Gresik, Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Makassar.

Media information and contacts:

Aditya Bayu Nugroho – Sr. PR & Marketing Xurya Daya Indonesia


0896 3056 9791

The Inauguration of the New Name Marks the Modernization of Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini (Bahasa Indonesia)

Jakarta, 12 Januari 2022 – Peresmian nama baru RS PGI Cikini menjadi “Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini” menjadi salah satu simbol dari kerja sama antara Primaya Hospital Group dengan Yayasan Kesehatan Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja Indonesia (Yakes PGI). Kerja sama ini merupakan bagian dari komitmen dan transformasi yang dilakukan antara Primaya Hospital Group dan Yakes PGI untuk memodernisasi pelayanan dan fasilitas kesehatan RS PGI Cikini.

Kolaborasi yang mengubah nama RS PGI Cikini menjadi Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini ini memberikan layanan yang PRIMA (profesional, rapi, ibadah, mendengarkan, asertif) dan modern didukung oleh dokter dan tim yang berpengalaman di bidangnya serta layanan, fasilitas, dan teknologi yang komprehensif.

Primaya Hospital Group merupakan sebuah rumah sakit jaringan yang senantiasa memenuhi kebutuhan layanan kesehatan di Indonesia dengan menerapkan standar nasional dan internasional dari Joint Commission International (JCI). Primaya Hospital Group memiliki pengalaman selama 15 tahun dalam mengelola 14 rumah sakit secara profesional di berbagai kota di Indonesia (Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Sukabumi, Semarang, Pangkal Pinang, Makassar, Sorowako, dan Palangkaraya).

RS PGI Cikini, yang sudah berusia 124 tahun, telah menjadi rumah sakit rujukan dan pilihan masyarakat terutama karena kecakapan tenaga medis yang dimiliki dan berbagai fasilitas kesehatan khusus seperti Kidney Center, Oncology Center, serta Heart & Vascular Center. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan memodernisasi RS PGI Cikini, baik dalam bentuk fisik bangunan maupun dalam bentuk pelayanan termutakhir, Majelis Pekerja Harian (MPH) PGI memutuskan untuk menjalin kerja sama bersama Primaya Hospital Group.

Pemilihan mitra kerja sama yang dilakukan MPH PGI berlangsung melalui proses penjaringan yang panjang dan berhati-hati. Bentuk kerja sama antara Primaya Hospital Group dan Yakes PGI akan diwujudkan dengan pola BOT (Build Operate Transfer) selama 30 tahun.

“Yakes PGI Cikini dan Primaya Hospital Group memiliki kesamaan visi dan misi untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan secara profesional dengan penuh kepedulian dan sentuhan kasih kepada pasien. Itu alasan utama Primaya Hospital dipilih untuk memodernisasi RS PGI Cikini,” kata dr. Alexander Ginting, SpP, Ketua Umum Yayasan Kesehatan PGI.

“Primaya Hospital Group berterima kasih dan bangga telah mendapat kepercayaan dari PGI dan Yayasan Kesehatan PGI. Kami berkomitmen untuk memajukan Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini dan menjadi rumah sakit kebanggaan Indonesia yang mengutamakan pelayanan kepada pasien,” ungkap Leona A. Karnali, CEO Primaya Hospital Group.

Layanan berstandar internasional tersebut mengutamakan keamanan pasien (patient safety) dengan Standar Prosedur Operasional dari Primaya Hospital Group yang telah terakreditasi Joint Commission International (JCI). Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini kini mulai menerapkan Hospital Information System dengan Electronic Medical Record, e-prescription, serta sistem radiologi (PACS) dan laboratorium (LIS). Seluruhnya akan didukung oleh sistem informasi SDM (Human Resources Information System), sistem keuangan (Accounting Information System), sistem pengadaan (Corporate Central Purchasing), dan sistem lainnya yang mempercepat layanan, menekan biaya, serta pemantauan terintegrasi secara grup.

Layanan unggulan (Center of Excellence) yang sudah ada akan ditingkatkan dan yang belum akan ditambahkan. Layanan unggulan Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini berfokus pada Jantung, Otak & Saraf, Pembuluh Darah, Kanker, Orthopedi & Trauma, Urologi, serta Ginjal & Hipertensi dilengkapi dengan SDM yang berkompeten dan teknologi yang mumpuni.

Sejak dimulainya kerja sama antara Primaya Hospital Group dan Yakes PGI pada 1 Agustus 2021, sejumlah modernisasi sudah diterapkan. Dimulai dari transformasi SDM, baik karyawan, perawat, dokter umum, dokter spesialis, maupun manajemen, yang bersama-sama memiliki komitmen untuk kemajuan. Hal lain yang dilakukan adalah pengadaan teknologi MRI 1,5 Tesla untuk melengkapi pemeriksaan penunjang, pengadaan peralatan prioritas mobile x-ray, uroflowmetri, USG urologi, mikroskop mata, serta penggantian mesin anestesi.

Selama enam bulan kerja sama yang telah berlangsung, dilakukan perbaikan atas berbagai peralatan prioritas di Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini seperti angiografi dan mamografi. Akses gedung juga diperbaiki untuk kemudahan pasien. Demikian juga dengan penataan ulang poliklinik yang lebih terintegrasi per spesialisasi. Peningkatan standar mutu yang mengutamakan patient safety dan telah lulus akreditasi KARS paripurna.

Dalam kerja sama ini, Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini akan melakukan pembangunan gedung rumah sakit baru di wilayah rumah sakit yang diperkirakan akan selesai dalam waktu 5 tahun kedepan.

“Melalui kerja sama ini, seluruh layanan yang diberikan di Primaya Hospital PGI Cikini menjadi prima dan modern yang didukung oleh layanan dan teknologi komprehensif disertai dokter dan tim medis yang berpengalaman di bidangnya,” kata Leona Karnali, CEO Primaya Hospital Group.


Tentang Primaya Hospital

Primaya Hospital Group adalah Rumah Sakit yang menyediakan standar pelayanan prima yang mengutamakan mutu keselamatan pasien. Kami memberikan layanan kesehatan yang menyeluruh untuk masyarakat Indonesia dan warga negara asing (WNA) dengan teknologi terbaik serta memberikan layanan pasien dengan jaminan dari perusahaan, asuransi, BPJS, dan pembayaran pribadi. Untuk menjangkau kebutuhan kesehatan masyarakat, Primaya Hospital Group tersebar di wilayah dan kota-kota besar di Indonesia dengan lokasi strategis dan mudah diakses sehingga kebutuhan masyarakat akan layanan kesehatan dapat terpenuhi dengan baik. Kami memiliki layanan unggulan bagi para pasien yaitu pusat layanan jantung dan pembuluh darah, layanan ibu dan anak, layanan trauma, serta layanan kanker. Primaya Hospital Group memiliki fasilitas pelayanan yang lengkap diantaranya layanan Gawat Darurat, Radiologi, Laboratorium, dan Farmasi yang hadir 24 jam. Selain itu, kami memiliki area parkir yang luas, ruang edukasi pasien, ruang poli yang nyaman, ruang laktasi, ATM Center, Musholla, WiFi untuk keluarga pasien, kantin, dan area lobi yang nyaman.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:

Endah Dwi Ekowati

Public Relations

HP: 0815-877-4220

Email: endah.dwiekowai@gmail.com

Focusing on Indonesia’s E-Commerce Acceleration, SIRCLO Announces Triawan Munaf and Maurits Lalisang as New Commissioners

Left to right: Brian Marshal, Triawan Munaf, Maurits Lalisang

Jakarta, 7 October 2021—E-Commerce enabler SIRCLO today welcomed Triawan Munaf and Maurits Lalisang as the company’s new commissioners. Triawan and Maurits will join forces to support SIRCLO in developing its technological capabilities, as well as accelerating the digitisation process of MSMEs and enterprise-scale businesses throughout Indonesia. 

Brian Marshal, Founder and CEO of SIRCLO, expressed his pride and respect in welcoming the two prominent figures who have experience in accelerating the growth of established businesses in Indonesia, for over three decades.

“As the go-to figures behind the growth of multiple big companies in Indonesia, Mr. Triawan and Mr. Maurits share the same vision with SIRCLO, which is to help business players adapt and transition to the digital realm through the omnichannel strategy,” said Brian. “We look forward to learning from them and expanding the company’s positive social and economic impact in supporting the growth of businesses through e-commerce, for both MSMEs and enterprise businesses alike. Together, we hope to become a sustainable company that could shape the foundation of Indonesia’s digital economy and boost the nation’s economy in the long run.”

Triawan Munaf is a renowned figure and serial entrepreneur in Indonesia, who also has been a creative industry player from an early age. As a former President Commissioner of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. and the former Head of the Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF), Triawan’s enthusiasm for building the technology industry in Indonesia is evident from his arrival to the leadership ranks of East Ventures as a Venture Advisor in February 2020. Recently, he was also appointed as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia Tbk.

Sharing the same vision with SIRCLO to help nurture Indonesian entrepreneurs, Triawan Munaf stated, “The need to carry out digital transformation has become inevitable for business players across various scales—and even more so for MSMEs, who are the primary drivers of our economy. I have seen how SIRCLO helps this segment substantially through various ideas and solutions. Hence, I believe that their capability would contribute to the exponential growth of Indonesian MSMEs. I am excited to join SIRCLO, as this is in line with my vision of increasing the added-value of various Creative Economy sub-sectors, most of which consist of MSMEs,” he added. 

Committed to advancing SIRCLO, Maurits Lalisang is a distinguished leader who has an excellent track record of four decades, namely 11 years as CEO and 6 years as President Commissioner in PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., a prominent multinational company. Through his various breakthroughs and innovations, he has succeeded in strengthening Unilever’s position as the market leader in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. Currently, he is serving as the President Commissioner of PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk, Commissioner of PT ICI Paints Indonesia, Commissioner of PT Deltomed Laboratories and as a Partner of the Saratoga Group, an active investment company in Indonesia.

Cementing his support for the e-commerce industry that has grown rapidly in the last two years, Maurits said, “I am very proud to know SIRCLO, an e-commerce enabler company that empowers thousands of MSME and enterprises, which in turn will bring massive contribution to Indonesia’s economic growth. It is an honor to join the company, in the process of developing SIRCLO’s business in the future. I am optimistic that SIRCLO will become a sustainable company that is increasingly valuable, both in terms of business and its contribution to the Indonesian economy.”

Since its establishment in 2013, SIRCLO has continued to adapt to the landscape and various challenges of e-commerce in Indonesia. Currently, SIRCLO provides end-to-end enabler services to business owners, collaborates with various marketplaces, develops social commerce channels, and serves enterprise-scale clients. As of this year, SIRCLO has helped more than 100,000 brands to sell online, from individual entrepreneurs, MSMEs, to large companies.



Founded in 2013, SIRCLO is a leading e-commerce solution company in Indonesia that helps businesses sell online. SIRCLO offers solutions that are divided into 2 main categories; the entrepreneur and enterprise solutions. In the entrepreneur category, SIRCLO offers SIRCLO Store, an online store dashboard for SMEs to sell across 3 various platforms (website, marketplace, chat commerce) and IbuSibuk, a solution empowering communities of mothers as Key Opinion Leaders (KOL), micro-influencers and resellers. In the enterprise category, SIRCLO offers e-commerce enabler services through SIRCLO Commerce, a solution for omnichannel technology development through ICUBE by SIRCLO, a B2B2C platform selling Mom & Baby products through Sooplai, and Orami, a parenting platform that combines Commerce, Content & Community within one ecosystem.

Today SIRCLO has served more than 100.000 brands to grow their business online. SIRCLO’s solution has been trusted by local brands entailing ATS The Label, Evete Naturals, Namaste Organic, This Is April and Heytimmy Kidswear, as well as trusted by established brands such as Unilever, Reckitt, KAO, L’Oréal, and Levi’s. Located at the Green Office Park 1, The Breeze (BSD – Serpong), the company has 1.000 employees and representatives based in Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya.

For more details about SIRCLO, visit www.sirclo.com.



Rini Hapsoro

Communications Manager

M: +62 878 757 710 80

E: rini@sirclo.com

eWTP Fund enters Indonesia with insurtech startup, Fuse, as the 1st deal

  • eWTP Technology and Investment Fund was initiated to support startups in emerging markets
  • Also participating in this extended Series B round are the leading fintech investor CE Innovation Capital and Indonesia’s leading active investment company, PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. The fund will be used for Fuse’s further expansion in Southeast Asia

Jakarta, September 16, 2021 – Indonesia’s largest insurtech startup by Gross Written Premium (GWP), Fuse, announces eWTP Technology and Investment Fund, CE Innovation Capital (CEIC), and PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. (Saratoga) have joined as investors in the extended Series B round.

Last month, Fuse secured funding led by GGV Capital with participation from existing investors, including East Ventures (Growth Fund), SMDV, Golden Gate Ventures, Heyokha Brothers, Emtek, and others.

eWTP Technology and Investment Fund (eWTP) aims to tap startup opportunities in emerging markets. The $600 million fund was setup in 2018 and have investments in India, Vietnam, and Thailand. Fuse is eWTP’s first foray into Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

“As a leading insurtech player in Indonesia, Fuse has a unique value proposition that empowers traditional sales channels by connecting numerous and scattered insurers with a large agent network, providing agents/brokers with a comprehensive lineup of insurance products. In addition, Fuse has the demonstrated an ability to leverage new and innovative insurance products from the other countries to create a distinctive competitive advantage. As such, we see Fuse as a strong regional player in South East Asia in the near future,” said Jiang Dawei, Partner and CFO of eWTP.

Fuse was founded in 2017 and operated by two industry veterans, Andy Yeung and Ivan Sunandar. It has acquired more than 60,000 agent/broker partners and partnership with more than 30 insurance companies on the grounds, with more than 300 insurance products on the platform.

Its total Gross Written Premium (GWP) exceeded $50 million (Rp720 billion) in 2020, making it the largest insurtech company in Indonesia.  Fuse seeks to address the trust concerns of 97% of Indonesians who are still uninsured.

“Fuse has strong competitive edges in omni-channel distribution and tech innovation. The company is also precisely positioned with its ‘To Agent’ model that largely enhances the efficiency of the whole insurance supply chain in a digital and innovative way, which we believe is the right track to scale up the business in the long run. Given the relatively low penetration of insurance products in the country, promising population growth prospect, and the increasing demand from customers post the pandemic, we have full confidence in Fuse’s next phase of growth,” said Xiaolin Zheng, Partner of CEIC.

“Investing in Fuse is a great opportunity for Saratoga to strengthen our portfolio in the digital technology sector. The sector shows great potential for growth, driven by the rapid development in digital technology usage and financial inclusion in Indonesia. As a leading insurtech player in the country, Fuse could provide better solutions and accessibility for people in choosing the right insurance product,” said Michael W.P. Soeryadjaya, President Director of Saratoga.

Andy Yeung, CEO of Fuse, said, “We are excited to get eWTP, CEIC, and Saratoga on board as they are all leaders in their respective areas. We are looking forward to those invaluable experiences they gained and shared by them.”

About Fuse

Founded in 2017, Fuse being a pioneer to deploy mobile technology platform to revolutionize insurance distribution channel for improving efficiency and experience to end customer, We launched our first-of-its kind mobile app Fuse Pro in 2018 to “enable” agent/broker partners for closing insurance policy instantly and easily with their customers. We are also the first mover on supporting digital/e-commerce channel like Tokopedia for launching their first transactional top-up micro insurance product back to 2018. We have more than 460 teammates, with 28 branch offices across Indonesia, Vietnam and China, to support our local insurance companies and distribution partners to serve their customers better.

Media contact: PR@fuse.co.id

About eWTP Technology and Investment Fund

eWTP Tech Innovation Fund was established in May 2018 with the mission to promote innovation by startups in the emerging markets. With a size of 600 million USD, it targets companies in key markets that are achieving globalization through technological innovation. In addition to exploring opportunities within China that leverages Chinese innovation and experience to overseas markets, eWTP is also active in regions such as the SEA and the Middle East.

About  CE Innovation Capital

Founded in 2016, CE Innovation Capital (“CEIC”) is a $1 billion venture fund investing in fintech, enterprise solutions and technology companies globally. The Fund was named “Top 9 Fintech Unicorn Investors” globally by CB Insights and listed on “Most Active Fintech Investors 2019” by Financial Technology Partners. The fund was also nominated for “Top Fintech Equity Investor” Award at LendIt USA Annual Conference.

Website: http://en.ceinnovationcap.com/

About PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya, Tbk.

Founded in 1997, PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya, Tbk. (Saratoga, ticker code: SRTG) is a leading active investment company in Indonesia. Saratoga plays an active role in managing investee companies and exploring investment opportunities in Indonesia.

Saratoga focuses on investment opportunities in the early stages and growth, and in special situation with a focus on sectors that support economic growth in Indonesia such as consumers, infrastructure, and natural resources.

Saratoga’s vision is to continue to be a leading active investment company and become the partner of choice for local and foreign investors looking to participate in the dynamics of Indonesia’s economic growth.

For further information please visit: www.saratoga-investama.com.

SIRCLO Announces US$36 Million Funding Led By East Ventures and Saratoga

  • SIRCLO received funding worth US$36 Million led by East Ventures and Saratoga with participation from Traveloka and other investors.
  • SIRCLO is positively accelerated throughout the pandemic, gained momentum to improve unit economics, and is on its way to profitability.

Jakarta, 10 September 2021 — E-commerce company SIRCLO today announces its funding round worth US$36 million (approximately IDR 515 billion), which was led by East Ventures (Growth Fund) and PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. (Saratoga), with participation from Traveloka, Sinar Mas Land, as well as other investors. The funding aims to further develop SIRCLO’s technological capabilities and accelerate the retail digitalization for various businesses all across Indonesia.

“We are grateful for the support from all of our investors, who have participated in this funding round. With this new funding, we plan on building our momentum as consumer spending in e-commerce has picked up during the pandemic and beyond. We are staying true to our mission of helping brands sell online using the omnichannel approach. Their success stories in extracting more value in our ecosystem propels our rapid growth even further as we continue to make significant upgrades to our solution offerings to future-proof the success of our clients,” said Brian Marshal, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SIRCLO.

With the new funding, SIRCLO plans to develop its technology infrastructure and expand the services it offers to business owners. The company has developed the Software-as-a-Service platform called SIRCLO Store, to help brands sell online through multiple channels in a single access, such as websites, marketplaces, and conversation (chat) commerce. SIRCLO Store’s capabilities continue to be developed with the omnichannel approach, hence making it easier for brand owners to reach consumers from multiple online sales channels in Indonesia.

Moreover, SIRCLO expands the technology capabilities for clients by offering a dashboard that is capable of providing real-time data analytics across multiple channels. In its Online-To-Offline (O2O) initiatives, the company is developing a financing solution aimed at encouraging MSME players to be more confident in competing with larger-scale retail players.

President Director of PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk., Michael W.P. Soeryadjaya, said, “This investment is an excellent opportunity for Saratoga to strengthen our portfolio in the digital technology sector and provide a solid foothold to capitalize on Indonesia’s rapidly-growing e-commerce market, driven by favorable demographics and the rise of MSMEs.”

The e-commerce industry in Indonesia has grown in multitudes since the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost half of Indonesia’s population uses digital technology for their daily needs, which shows great potential for growth. “In line with Saratoga’s vision, through our investment in SIRCLO, we can help strengthen Indonesia’s economic recovery by developing a technological infrastructure that can launch and equip MSMEs businesses in Indonesia to succeed in today’s digital era,” added Michael.

SIRCLO took part in the country’s national economic recovery program by launching an initiative to support the digitization of MSMEs, which is called #MerdekaJualanOnline (Freedom to Sell Online). Through the program, SIRCLO provides integrated technology solutions for online store management through SIRCLO Store, as well as training modules for the use of its dashboard to MSME facilitators. Last July, Orami, the subsidiary company of SIRCLO, also launched “IbuSibuk”—a digital economic empowerment program for mothers, specifically for those who are passionate about entrepreneurship.

SIRCLO’s solution for MSMEs is similar to what Shopify is doing in the global market. Yet in addition to that, SIRCLO has been adapting to the unique landscape and challenges of e-commerce in Indonesia. SIRCLO provides end-to-end merchant enablement services, works with various marketplaces, expands to social commerce, and also caters to enterprise clients.

“SIRCLO is a classic story of a startup running a marathon. Founded in 2013, we think that SIRCLO was ahead of its time. But we have a strong conviction as to how the founding team stays true to their vision. COVID-19 crisis has made them stronger; revenue hit record high at hundreds of million dollars and the company is near profitable. We are glad to be part of their journey in the past, double down in this round and look forward to an exciting future,” said Willson Cuaca, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of East Ventures.

During the pandemic, SIRCLO recorded a fivefold increase in transactions, which was propelled by the shifting consumer behavior amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Up to this year, SIRCLO has helped more than 100,000 brands of all sizes to sell online, from individual entrepreneurs, MSMEs, to big enterprises.


Founded in 2013, SIRCLO is a leading e-commerce solution company in Indonesia that helps businesses sell online. SIRCLO offers solutions that are divided into 2 main categories; the entrepreneur and enterprise solutions. In the entrepreneur category, SIRCLO offers SIRCLO Store, an online store dashboard for SMEs to sell across 3 various platforms (website, marketplace, chat commerce) and IbuSibuk, a solution empowering communities of mothers as KOL, micro-influencers and resellers. In the enterprise category, SIRCLO offers e-commerce enabler services through SIRCLO Commerce, a solution for omnichannel technology development through ICUBE by SIRCLO, a B2B2C platform selling Mom & Baby products through Sooplai, and Orami, a parenting platform that combines Commerce, Content & Community within one ecosystem.

Today, SIRCLO has served more than 100.000 brands to grow their business online. SIRCLO’s solution has been trusted by local brands entailing ATS The Label, Evete Naturals, Namaste Organic, This Is April and Heytimmy Kidswear, as well as trusted by multinational brands such as Unilever, Reckitt, KAO, L’Oréal, and Levi’s. Located at the Green Office Park 1, The Breeze (BSD – Serpong), the company has 1.000 employees and representatives based in Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya.

For more details about SIRCLO, visit www.sirclo.com.

Rini Hapsoro
Communications Manager
M: +62 878 757 710 80
E: rini@sirclo.com

Saratoga NAV Reached IDR 46.5 Trillion in Semester I-2021

Jakarta, July 29, 2021  PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk (stock code: SRTG) reached a net asset value (NAV) of IDR 46.5 trillion in semester I-2021. This value increased from NAV at the end of 2020 of IDR 31.7 trillion. The company also recorded a net profit – attributed to owners of the parent entity – of IDR 15.3 trillion, compared to a net loss of IDR 2.1 trillion in semester I-2020.

Saratoga President Director Michael Soeryadjaya said that the success of our portfolio companies in maintaining a resilient performance in 2021 has increased the value of Saratoga’s portfolio. The positive performance is also accompanied by their consistent dividend distributions, which further strengthened Saratoga’s business fundamentals.

“The rising share price performance of our portfolio companies has supported Saratoga’s NAV growth during semester I-2021. This is proof that Saratoga’s portfolio companies are able to stay resilient during this pandemic,” said Michael, in an official statement in Jakarta, on Thursday (29/7).

Saratoga’s NAV growth in semester I-2021 was due to appreciation in share price of several portfolio companies; mainly contributed by PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (stock code: TBIG), PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (stock code: MDKA), PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk (stock code: MPMX), and PT Provident Agro Tbk (stock code: PALM).

Saratoga also posted dividend income of IDR 866 billion in semester I-2021, an increase of 35.3 percent, from IDR 640 billion during the same period in the previous year. This dividend income is mainly contributed by PT Adaro Energy Tbk. (ADRO), TBIG, and MPMX.

Michael added that Saratoga will continue to implement a diversification strategy in deploying investments and disciplined financial management to maintain long-term business sustainability. Debt and cost ratios will continue to be managed and maintained at an efficient level. Currently, annualized operating costs to NAV is at 0.4 percent with loan to value at 5.7 percent.

Saratoga Investment Director Devin Wirawan explained that in semester I-2021, Saratoga continued to encourage portfolio companies to expand their business into new regions. For example, Primaya Hospital – under PT Famon Awal Bros Sedaya – has opened three new hospitals since the start of the year. The three hospitals were Primaya Hospital Bhakti Wara in Pangkal Pinang-Bangka Belitung, Primaya Hospital Sukabumi in West Java, and Primaya Hospital Pasar Kemis in Tangerang-Banten.

“The launch of these three new hospitals adds to Primaya Hospital’s existing operational assets, bringing them to 12 hospitals by end of semester I-2021. This expansion is also part of Saratoga’s initiative in supporting the government’s efforts to provide the best healthcare service amid the ongoing pandemic,” he said.

Devin also explained that one of Saratoga’s strategic portfolio companies, MDKA, has further strengthened its long-term business fundamentals. He revealed that the latest drilling test from the Tujuh Bukit Copper Project in Banyuwangi resulted in a significant intercept of copper and gold.

MDKA has also completed a feasibility study for the Acid, Iron, Metal (AIM) Project, which is projected to have a net present value (NPV) of IDR 5.8 trillion. The AIM Project is operated by Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia (80 percent MDKA, 20 percent Tsingshan) and located in the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi. Construction has begun in quarter II-2021 and production is targeted to start in quarter II-2022.

Amid rising demand in the logistics sector, Devin said that Saratoga’s portfolio company, MGM Bosco Logistics, is currently constructing the second phase of its cold-storage facility in Bekasi. The new facility is expected to start operating in quarter IV-2021.

“Saratoga will continue to assist all of our portfolio companies in exploring new opportunities and growing their business value. We are also open to new investment opportunities, including in the technology sector, which is now growing rapidly in Indonesia,” Devin stated.



In April 2021, the company completed the sale and purchase transaction as well as transfer of 3,000 towers from PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk (IBST) for a total value of IDR 4.0 trillion. The transaction was funded by internal funds and existing bank facilities. In the same month, TBIG also issued a IDR 970 billion bond, which will mature in 2022 at an interest rate of 5.50 percent.


In this semester, MDKA completed a feasibility study for the Acid, Iron, Metal (AIM) Project. With an estimated project capital cost of US$290 million or IDR 4.2 trillion, the AIM Project is estimated to have an NPV of US$407 million or IDR 5.8 trillion. Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia (80 percent MDKA, 20 percent Tsingshan) operates the AIM Project, which started construction in quarter II-2021 with a target production date in quarter IV-2022.


Deltomed has launched Antangin Goodnight and Antangin Habbatussauda. Antangin Good Night is a herbal supplement that helps improve sleep quality, while Antangin Habbatussauda helps treat cold symptoms along with boosting the immune system. Deltomed achieved double-digit revenue growth this semester supported by the launching of Antangin Habbatussauda.


MGM Bosco Logistics is currently constructing the second phase of its cold-storage facility in Bekasi. The new facility is aimed to begin operations in quarter IV-2021.


Newcastle coal price continued to strengthen from US$60 per ton at the end of 2020 to US$130 per ton at the end of semester I-2021, driven by limited global supply and increasing volume of demand, especially from China’s electricity needs.


The ongoing economic recovery has had a positive impact on MPMX. The company revised its 2021 revenue projection to grow by 20-25 percent, compared to the initial projection of 10-15 percent. Meanwhile, the Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) in 2021 is projected to reach more than IDR 300 billion. MPMX’s optimism is supported by recovery in national motorcycle sales, which grew by 30 percent during semester I-2021 to 2.5 million units, from 1.9 million units in semester I-2020. The Association of Indonesia Motorcycle Industry estimates motorcycle sales will reach 4.3-4.6 million units by the end of the year, compared to sales in 2020 which reached 3.7 million units.


In March 2021, AGII completed the acquisition of two business units from PT Samator and added IDR 600 billion worth of assets. In May 2021, AGII signed a 12-year contract with PT Timah Tbk (TINS) to build a plant that will supply industrial gas needed for a tin refining smelter in Muntok City, West Bangka Regency – Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. The smelter will be fully operational in 2022.


PT Famon Awal Bros Sedaya (Primaya Hospital) launched three new hospitals in the first half of this year in Pangkal Pinang, Sukabumi, and Pasar Kemis. Primaya is planning to launch two more hospitals in semester II-2021. Primaya Hospital will continue to support the government’s efforts in providing the best healthcare service amid the ongoing pandemic


About PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya, Tbk. 

Founded in 1997, PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya, Tbk. (Saratoga, ticker code: SRTG) is a leading active investment company in Indonesia. Saratoga plays an active role in managing investee companies and exploring investment opportunities in Indonesia.

Saratoga focuses on investment opportunities in the early stages and growth, and in special situation with a focus on sectors that support economic growth in Indonesia such as consumers, infrastructure, and natural resources.

Saratoga’s vision is to continue to be a leading active investment company and become the partner of choice for local and foreign investors looking to participate in the dynamics of Indonesia’s economic growth.

For further information please visit: www.saratoga-investama.com.

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