In order to implement the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk (the “Company”) which was held on 21 April 2022, with one of the resolution is the distribution of the cash dividend for the 2021 financial year in the amount of Rp60 (Sixty Rupiah) per share, it is hereby notified to the shareholders of the Company that the schedule and the payment procedures are as follows:


A. Cash Dividend Payment Schedule:

Remarks  Date
Submission of the schedule for the distribution of cash dividends to the Indonesia Stock Exchange 25 April 2022
Record date (tanggal pencatatan) in the Shareholders Register for determining the rights of the

shareholders to receive cash dividends

11 May 2022
Regular market and negotiation:

·     Cum Dividend

·     Ex-Dividend


9 May 2022

10 May 2022

Cash market:

·     Cum Dividend

·     Ex-Dividend


11 May 2022

12 May 2022

Distribution of cash dividends 13 May 2022


B. Cash Dividend Payment Procedure

  1. This announcement is an official notification from the Company, and the Company does not issue a specific notification to the Shareholders.
  2. Cash dividend payments are given to Shareholders whose names are recorded in the Company’s Register of Shareholders (Daftar Pemegang Saham or “DPS”) on 11 May 2022 at 16.15 WIB or what is referred to as the Record Date (Tanggal Pencatatan) of Shareholders entitled to cash dividends.
  3. For Shareholders whose shares are registered in the Collective Custody of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”), the cash dividend payments according to the schedule above will be made by way of book-entry through KSEI, and then KSEI will distribute them to the accounts of Securities Company or Custodian Bank where Shareholders opened their accounts
  4. Shareholders who are still using scripts, whose shares are not included in the collective custody of KSEI, and wish the cash dividend payments to be made by transfer to the bank account of the Shareholders, may notify the name and bank address as well as bank account number in the Shareholder’s name no later than 11 May 2022 at 16.00 WIB in writing to:


Shares Registrar Bureau (Biro Administrasi Efek or “BAE”) Office

PT Datindo Entrycom

Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28

Jakarta 10210, Indonesia

Phone: +62 21-350 8077 (Hunting)

Fax: +62 21-350 8078


  1. Based on the prevailing tax laws and regulations, cash dividend will be exempted from tax objects if it is received by domestic corporate taxpayer shareholder (“Domestic Corporate Taxpayer”) and the Company does not deduct Income Tax on cash dividends paid to the Domestic Corporate Taxpayer. Cash dividends received by domestic individual taxpayer shareholder (“Domestic Individual Taxpayer”) will be exempted from tax objects as long as the dividend is invested in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of an investment that has been determined and within a certain period as regulated under Article 4 (3) letter f number 1. a) Law No. 7 of 1983 regarding Income Tax as amended several times, lastly by Law No. 11 of 2020 regarding Job Creation in conjunction with Article 15 (1) Minister of Finance Regulation No. 18/PMK.03/2021. For Domestic Individual Taxpayer who do not meet the investment requirements as mentioned above, the dividends received by the person concerned will be subject to Income Tax in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws, and the said Income Tax must be paid by the Domestic Individual Taxpayer concerned in accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation No. 9 of 2021 regarding Tax Treatment to Support Ease of Doing Business.
  2. For shareholders other than those mentioned in point 5 above, the cash dividend will be taxed in accordance with the prevailing tax laws and regulations. The amount of tax imposed will be borne by the shareholders of the Company concerned and deducted from the amount of cash dividends that are the rights of the shareholders of the Company concerned.
  3. Shareholders who are Foreign Taxpayer whose tax deduction will use the rate based on the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement must comply with the provisions of the Directorate General of Taxes Regulation No. PER-25/PJ/2018 regarding Procedures for the Implementation of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and shall submit DGT Form which has been legalized by Tax Service Office for Listed Companies to KSEI or BAE in accordance with KSEI rules and regulations, without the said document, cash dividends paid will be subject to a 20% deduction of Income Tax Article 26.


Jakarta, 25 April 2022

PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk

Board of Directors


SRTG-Notification of Schedule of Dividend 2022




In compliance with the provisions of Article 49 paragraph (1) and Article 51 of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No.15/POJK.04/2020 dated 21 April 2020 regarding the Plan and Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies (hereinafter referred to as the “POJK No. 15”), the Board of Directors of PT SARATOGA INVESTAMA SEDAYA Tbk (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby informs the shareholders, that the Company has held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the Meeting):

A. On:

Day / Date : Thursday / 21 April 2022
Time : 12.10  –  12.23 Western Indonesia Time
Place : Menara Karya lantai 17,
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5, Kaveling 1-2, Jakarta 12950.
Meeting Agenda :
  1. Approval on the Company’s shares buyback plan.
  2. Approval on the use of Company’s treasury shares for Long Term Incentive Program of the Company


B. Members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners who attended the Meeting:

President Commissioners : Edwin Soeryadjaya
Commissioners : Indra Cahya Uno
Independent Commissioners : Sidharta Utama
Independent Commissioners : Anangga W. Roosdiono


President Director : Michael William P. Soeryadjaya
Director : Lany Djuwita Wong
Director : Devin Wirawan


C. The Meeting was attended by 12,602,396,045 shares with valid voting rights or 93.3700152% of all shares with valid voting rights issued by the Company.

D. During the Meeting, Shareholders and/or their proxies are given the opportunity to ask questions and/or provide opinions regarding the agenda of the Meeting.


Meeting Agenda 1 : No questions and/or responses
Meeting Agenda 2 : No questions and/or responses


F. The resolutions-making mechanism at the Meeting is as follows:

Meeting resolutions are made by way of deliberation to reach a consensus. If deliberation to reach a consensus    is not reached then it is done by voting.

G. The results of resolutions made by voting:



Approved Abstain Not approved
12,598,790,645 votes or  99.97% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 3,604,500 votes or 0.02% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 900 votes or 0.0000071% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting


Resolutions of the Meeting Agenda 1:

    1.   Approve the buyback of the Company’s shares with a maximum amount of Forty Five Million (45,000,000) shares or a maximum of zero point three-three percent (0.33%) of the issued and paid-up capital of the Company for a total cost of up to One Hundred Fifty Billion Rupiah (Rp150,000,000,000).
    2.   Approve the granting of authority and power to the Board of Directors of the Company, both collectively and individually, to take all action necessary in implementing the resolutions of this Meeting, including determining the requirements for the implementation of the Company’s share buy back with due observance to the provisions and regulations of prevailing laws and regulations, to restate the composition of the Company’s shareholders, to appears and/or present before the competent authorities and/or Notary Public to sign the necessary  deed(s), to give information, to enter into and sign all required documents, and to take any and all actions as deemed necessary, without any exceptions.


Approved Abstain Not Approved
12,456,503,190 votes or 98.84% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 34,800 votes or 0.0002761% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 145,858,055 votes or 1.15% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting


Resolutions of the Meeting Agenda 2:

  1. Approving to allocate up to Twenty Million (20,000,000) shares for distribution to the Company’s employees in 2022 as implementation of the Long Term Incentive Program of the Company.
  2. Approving the granting of authority and power to the Board of Directors of the Company to take any actions and/or carry out any dealings as necessary and/or required to realize the implementation of the Long Term Incentive Program, in accordance with the prevailing law and regulations.


Jakarta,  22 April 2022


Board of Directors


SRTG-Summary of EGMS 2022





In compliance with the provisions of Article 49 paragaph (1) and Article 51 of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 15/POJK.04/2020 dated 21 April 2020 regarding the Plan and Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies (hereinafter referred to as the “POJK No. 15”), the Board of Directors of PT SARATOGA INVESTAMA SEDAYA Tbk (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby informs the shareholders, that the Company has held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the Meeting):

A. On:

Day / date : Thursday / 22 April 2022
Time : 11.27 – 12.03 Western Indonesia Time
Place : Menara Karya lantai 17,
Jalan HR Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kaveling 1-2, Jakarta 12950.
Meeting agenda :
  1. Approval on the Annual Report for the financial year of 2021 and ratification on the Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2021 and provide full acquittal and discharge (volledig acquit et de charge ) to the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company for management and supervision performed during the financial year 2021.
  2. Approval on the determination of the use of the Company’s net profit for the financial year 2021.
  3. Approval of the appointment of a Public Accountant and Public Accounting Firm to audit the Company’s Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2022.
  4. Approval on the determination of the salary, honorarium and allowances and other facilities for the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners for the financial year 2022.
  5. Approval on the re-appointment of all members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company, as of the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2022 until the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2025.
  6. Reporting on the results of the implementation of the Company’s Long Term Incentive Program.


B. Members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners who attended the Meeting:



President Commissioners : Edwin Soeryadjaya
Commissioners : Indra Cahya Uno
Independent Commissioners : Sidharta Utama
Independent Commissioners : Anangga W. Roosdiono



President Directors : Michael Soeryadjaya
Directors : Lany Djuwita Wong
Directors : Devin Wirawan


C. The Meeting was attended by 12,603,950, shares with valid voting rights or 90.8742953% of all shares with valid voting rights issued by the Company.


D. During the Meeting, Shareholders and/or their proxies are given the opportunity to ask questions and/or provide opinions regarding the agenda of the Meeting.



Meeting Agenda 1 : No questions and/or responses
Meeting Agenda 2 : No questions and/or responses
Meeting Agenda 3 : No questions and/or responses
Meeting Agenda 4 : No questions and/or responses
Meeting Agenda 5 : No questions and/or responses
Meeting Agenda 6 : No questions and/orresponses


F. The resolutions-making mechanism at the Meeting is as follows:

Meeting resolutions are made by way of deliberation to reach a consensus. If deliberation to reach a consensus is not reached then it is done by voting.


G. The results of resolutions made by voting:


Approved Abstain Not a proved
12,591,709,945 votes or 99.90% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 12,153,700 votes or 0.09% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 87,000 votes or 0.0006903% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting


Resolutions of the Meeting Agenda 1:

      1. Approving and accepting the Company’s Annual Report for the financial year 2021, including the Supervisory Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Company, and ratifying the Consolidated Financial Statements of the company and its subsidiaries for financial year ended as of December 31, 2021 that has been audited by Public Accountant Harry Widjaja, SE , CPA of the Public Accounting Siddharta Widjaja & Associates (a member of global network KPMG) as described in its report No. 00039/2.1005/AU.1/05/1214-2/111/2022 dated March 10, 2022 with “Unqualified” opinion.
      2. Upon the approval of the Company’s Annual Report for the financial year 2021 including the supervisory report of the Board of Commissioners of the Company, as well as the ratification of the consolidated financial statements of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the financial year ended on 31 December 2021, thus, granting the full release and acquittal discharge (volledig acquit et de charge) to all members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company from their management and supervisory duty during the financial year 2021, as long as such actions are reflected in the Annual Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the financial year ended on 31 December 2021 and is not a criminal offense or a breach of the prevailing laws and regulations.



Approved Abstain Not a proved
12,602,258,145 votes or 99.98% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 1,605,500 votes or 0.01% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 87,000 votes or 0.0006903% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting


Resolutions of the Meeting Agenda 2:

      1. Approve the use of current year profit afributed to the owners ofthe Company for the 2021 financial year in the amount of Twenty Four Trillion Eight Hundred Eighty Eight Billion Nine Hundred Million Rupiah (Rp24,889,900,000,000), for the following matters:
        1. A total of Five Billion Rupiah (Rp5,000,0000,000) is set aside as compulsory reserves of the Company;
        2. A total of Eight Hundred Thirteen Billion Eight Hundred Ninety Million One Hundred Thousand Rupiah (Rp 813,890,100,000) or sixty Rupiah (Rp 60) per share will be paid as final cash dividend to the shareholders ofthe Company; dan
        3. The remainder will be allocated to increase the Company’s retained earnings.


      1. Approve the granting of power and authority to the Board of Directors to regulate the procedures for the payment of the said final cash dividend, including but not limited to determining the payment schedule, as well as to take all other necessary actions in connection with the payment of the final cash dividend in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.



Approved Abstain Not a proved
12,577,201,790 votes or 99.7% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 1,609,900 votes or 0.01% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 25,138,955 votes or 0.19% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting


Resolutions of the Meeting Agenda 3:

  1. Approving to authorize the Board of Commissioners of the Company to appoint Public Accounting Firm and Public Accountant to audit the Financial Statement ofthe Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2022 and other audits required by the Company and determining the honorarium and other appointment requirements and authorize the Board of Commissioners of the Company to appoint a substitute Public Accounting Firm and Public Accountant if the appointed Public Accountant is unable to carry out his duties for any reason, by taking into accotmt the recommendations from the Audit Committee.



Approved Abstain Not a proved
12,602,256,945 votes or 99.98% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 1,605,500 votes or 0.01% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 88,200 votes or 0.0006998% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting


Resolutions of the Meeting Agenda 4:

      1. By taking into account the suggestions and opinions given by the Company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee, determining remuneration for all members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the financial year 2022 of a maximum of IDR 15,000,000,000.00 (Fifteen Billion Rupiah).
      2. Granting power and authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine the amount of salary, bonus and other allowances for members of the Board of Directors of the Company in accordance with the structure, policy and amount of remuneration of the Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2022, by taking into account the suggestions and opinions given by the Company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee.



Approved Abstain Not a proved
12,567,129,034 votes or 99.70% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 5,913,100 votes or 0.04% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting 30,908,511 votes or 0.24% of all shares with voting rights who attended the Meeting


Resolutions of the Meeting Agenda 5:

  1. Approve the expiration of the term of office of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company as of the closing of the Meeting.
  2. Approve on re-appointment all members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company as of the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2022 until expiration of the period of term of office of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company in the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2025 with composition as follows:


President Director : Michael William P. Soeryadjaya
Director : Lany Djuwita Wong
Director : Devin Wirawan


President Commissioners : Edwin Soeryadjaya
Commissioner : Joyce Soeryadjaya Kerr
Commissioner : Indra Cahya Uno
Independent Commissioner : Sidharta Utama
Independent Commissioner : Anangga W. Roosdiono


  1. Approve the granting of power with the right of substitution to the Board of Directors of the Company to do any acts related to the Meeting Resolutions, including but not the authorities, having limited to appearing before discussion, asking for information, giving and/or submitting notification on appointment of composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia as well as other related competent institutions, drawing up and/ or signing deeds and letters or other documents that are required or deemed necessary, appearing before a Notary to have the deed of declaration of Meeting resolutions of the Company drawn up and signed and doing other matters that shall and/or may be done to realize the Meeting Resolutions.



Since this is only a report, no resolution has been made in this Agenda.


Jakarta, 22 April 2022


Board of Directors

SRTG-Summary of AGMS 2022

2. SRTG – Invitation to AGMS EGMS 21 April 2022


The Board of Directors of the Company hereby invite the Shareholders of the Company to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS”) (AGMS and EGMS collectively referred to as “Meeting”) which will be convened physically and electronically through the Electronic General Meeting System KSEI facility (“eASY.KSEI”) provided by PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”) on:


Day/Date Thursday, 21 April 2022
Time 11.00 Western Indonesian Time – Finish
Venue Menara Karya, 17th Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5, Kav. 1-2
Jakarta 12950

The agenda of the Meeting are as follows:

1 . Approval on the Annual Report for the financial year of 2021 and ratification on the Financial Statement of the Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2021 and provide full acquittal and discharge (volledig acquit et de charge) to the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company for management and supervision performed during the financial year of 2021.

In this agenda, the Board of Directors of the Company will seeking approval and ratification from General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS”) on the Company’s performance in 2021 and the implementation of supervisory duties of Board of Commissioners in 2021, as stipulated in the Annual Report and the Financial Statement of the Company, as well as obtaining full release and discharge (volledig acquit et de charge) to the members of the Board of Directors and/or the Board of Commissioners of the Company
on their management and supervisory duty carried out throughout financial year 2021, so long as those actions are clearly stated under the Company’s Annual Report and Financial Report and is not a criminal offense or a breach of the prevailing laws and regulations, in accordance with Article 69 paragraph (1) of the Law No. 40 of 2007 on the Limited Liability Company as amended with Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation (the “Company Law”) jo. Article 10 paragraph (4) point a and b jo. Article 22 paragraph (5) of the Articles of Association of the Company.

2 . Approval on the determination of the use of the Company’s net profit for the financial year of 2021.

In this agenda, the Board of Director of the Company will determine the use of the Company’s net profit for the financial year of 2021, in accordance with Article 70 and 71 of the Company Law and Article 23 of the Articles of Association of the Company.

3. Approval on the appointment of Public Accountant and Public Accounting Firm to audit the Financial Statement of the Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2022.

Considering the appointment of Public Accountant and Public Accounting Firm by the Board of Commissioners of the Company are currently in progress, the Board of Directors of the Company recommend to grant the authority to the Board of Commissioners of
Company, by taking into account any recommendation from the Audit Committee, to appoint the Public Accountant and Public Accounting Firm to audit the Financial Statement of the Company for the financial year ended on 31 December 2022 and other
financial statement audit as required by the Company, in accordance with Article 59 of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 15/POJK.04/2020 on the Plan and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies and Financial
Services Authority Regulation No. 13/POJK.03/2017 concerning the Use Public Accountants and Public Accounting Firms in Financial Services Activities.

4. Approval on the determination of the salary, honorarium and allowances and other facilities for the member of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners for the financial year of 2022.

In this agenda, the Board of Director of the Company will ask the GMS to approve the following:

  • The maximum amount of the remuneration for all members of the Board of Commissioners for the financial year of 2022, by taking into account the advice and opinion from the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company;
  • The granting of power and authorization to the Board of Commissioners to determine the amount of salary, honorarium and allowances and other facilities for the member of the Board of Directors for the financial year of 2022,

5. Approval on the re-appointment of all members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company, as of the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2022 until the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2025.

On this agenda, in connection with the approval of the reappointment of all members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company whose term of office expires at the closing of this AGMS. The shareholders propose to reappoint the entire Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners for a term of office starting from the closing of the 2022 AGMS until the closing of the 2025 AGMS in connection with Article 16 paragraph (2) and (3) in conjunction with Article 19 paragraph (2) of the Company’s Articles of Association.

6. Report on the implementation result of the Long Term Incentive Program of the Company.

In this agenda, the Board of Directors of the Company will report to the Shareholders on the implementation result of Long Term Incentive Program of the Company for the year of 2021. This agenda does not need to be approved by the GMS.



1. Approval on the Company’s shares buyback plan.

In this agenda, the Board of Directors of the Company will present the Company’s plan to conduct shares buyback, to be then approved by the GMS, in accordance with Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 30/POJK.04/2017 on the Buyback of Shares issued by Public Company (“FSAR 30/2017”). Information relating to the buyback plan has been published by the Company on 15 March 2022.

2. Approval on the use of Company’s treasury shares for Long Term Incentive Program of the Company.

In this agenda, the Board of Directors of the Company will present the Company’s plan to use the shares in treasury which are derived from the buyback of shares. The treasury shares will be used for Long Term Incentive Program of the Company which will be
distributed from the date of 2022 EGMS until 2023 EGMS.



1.  Shareholders entitled to attend the Meeting are the Company’s Shareholders whose names are registered in the Register of Shareholders (DPS) of the Company on 29 March 2022 at the latest on 16.00 Western Indonesia Time made by PT Datindo Entrycom, the Company’s Shares Registrar and/or the the Company’s Shareholders whose names are registerd in the Register of Account Holders at KSEI at the close of Stock Trading on the Stock Exchange Indonesia on 29 March 2022.

2. The Shareholders’ attendance in the Meeting that will occur electronically is convened through the platform/facility of eASY.KSEI at https://akses.ksei.co.id/.

3. In order to implement the principle of caution and vigilance relating to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic and to comply with Government Regulation No. 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions for the Acceleration of Mitigation of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) as well as other relevant regulations, the Company will limit the number of Shareholders who may physically attend the Meeting and urge the Shareholders to attend the Meeting electronically or authorize power of attorney for his presence and voting rights (either electronically through eASY.KSEI or in writing) to independent parties appointed by the Company, with the following provisions:

  • a. The Company provides 2 (two) types of power of attorney to Shareholders, namely Conventional Power of Attorney which can be downloaded through the Company’s website www.saratoga-investama.com or e-Proxy which can be accessed electronically
    on the eASY.KSEI platform through https://akses.ksei.co.id/.
    – Conventional Power of Attorney (PoA) – the Shareholders can download the draft of the PoA on the Company’s website www.saratoga-investama.com . The original copy of the PoA complete and signed on stamp of Rp10,000 shall be sent to the Company’s Stock Administration Bureau that is PT Datindo Entrycom at Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 28, RT.14/RW.1, Kebon Kelapa, Gambir, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10120 (“Datindo”) no later than 18 April 2022 at 4.00 pm Western Indonesian Time.
    – E-Proxy through eASY.KSEI – an electronic power of attorney provided by KSEI to facilitate and integrate power of attorney from scriptless Shareholders whose shares are in KSEI’s Collective Custody to their proxies. The proxy whose names are available at eASY.KSEI facility is an independent party appointed by the Company. Information regarding the independent proxies appointed by the Company can be accessed through the Company’s website www.saratoga-investama.com.
    b. Representatives of the Company’s Shareholder in the form of legal entities must submit:
    – Copy of their latest Articles of Association; and
    – Deed on the appointment of their incumbent board of directors, to Datindo no later than 18 April 2022 at 4.00 pm Western Indonesian Time.

4. The Company provides Meeting agenda materials through the Company’s website www.saratoga-investama.com and KSEI’s website https://akses.ksei.co.id/ and has been available to the Shareholders from the date of the Meeting Invitation to the GMS date.

5. The Company provides Meeting agenda materials through the Company’s website www.saratoga-investama.com and KSEI’s website https://akses.ksei.co.id/ and has been available to the Shareholders from the date of the Meeting Invitation to the GMS date.

6. The Company does not send a separate invitation letter to the Shareholders. In accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Meeting Invitation is valid as an official invitation to the Company’s Shareholders.

7. Shareholders or their attorneys, who will attend physically to the Meeting, must comply with and pass the safety and health protocols which will be strictly applied by the Company, as follows:

  • (i) Upon arrival at the premises of the Meeting:
    * must showing the vaccinate certificate of Covid-19 and provide a Certificate of Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test or PCR Swab Test in his/her name, which shows negative test result, issued by a doctor in hospital, public health center or medical clinic with the test taken 1 (one) day prior to the Meeting date (for Rapid Antigen Test) and 2 (two) days prior to the Meeting date (for PCR Swab Test);
    * must submit a completed health declaration form stating his/her health and travel information. The Health Declaration Form can be accessed through the Company’s website www.saratoga-investama.com ; and
    * must comply with the health checking procedures (incl. body temperature screening, etc.), which will be conducted by the Company and building management of the premises of the Meeting is held.
    (ii) At all times within the premises of the Meeting and during the Meeting:
    * must wear proper 3 ply mask; and
    * must implement physical distancing measure in accordance with direction from the Company and building management of the premise of the Meeting.
    (iii) must immediately leave the premises of the Meeting after the Meeting ended.

8. Shareholders or their attorneys who are unfit, in particular with COVID-19 symptoms (such as cough, fever and/or flu) will not be permitted to attend the Meeting.

9. The Company has the right to prohibit shareholders or their attorneys to attend or be present at the Meeting premises and/or the building area where the Meeting is held if the relevant shareholders of their attorney do not comply with the foregoing safety and health protocols.

10. The Company may make another announcement if there is any change and/or addition to the information regarding the implementation of the Meeting based on the latest development of the handling for preventing COVID-19 transmission.

Jakarta, March 30, 2022
PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk.
The Board of Directors


SRTG – Invitation to AGMS EGMS 21 April 2022